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Famous Persian Reaches America

Famous Persian Reaches America
Oakland Сalifornia Tribune
April 11, 1912
New York, California


World Peace With Universal Religion Is Plan of Visitor to This Country

NEW YORK, April 11. — ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas, the leader of the Bahá’í movement for world-wide religious unity, arrived here early today on the steamer Cedric from the Mediterranean. Preparations for his welcome at the pier were made yesterday by the Persian-American Educational Society and a number of local followers.

Abbas Effendi, as he is known by his official title, is the third of the leaders of Bahá’ísm. He has been repeatedly imprisoned by the Moslems, who regard his liberal tendencies with the greatest distrust. The Bahá’í belief is that universal peace is possible only through the harmony of all religions and that all religions are basically one. It is estimated that about a third of the Persians are now members of the cult.


The Rev. Dr. Francis E. Clark, founder of the Christian Endeavor Society and Dr. John E. Robinson, bishop of Bombay, were passengers on the same steamer with Abbas Effendi.

Before returning ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas will visit all of the principal cities of the country, making addresses not only before the Bahá’í assemblies, but before audiences of all cults and all denominations as well as many college and university settlements and educational societies. He will speak before the Lake Mohonk conference on “International Arbitration” and in California he will address an audience at Leland Stanford University.

The Bahá’í movement was founded by Bahá’u’lláh, father of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, who declares that over fifty years ago one of the chief lessons his father sought to impress upon his followers was the necessity for world peace through the instrumentality of arbitration treaties. He develops this idea to the extent even of providing for the terms of a treaty for international police and a gradual disarmament.

The Persian teacher also advocates the blending of the world’s religion, protesting against differences of creeds. Even a universal language is advocated.

Equality of the sexes is maintained to be the proper condition. The only reason why woman is not so advanced as man is given as a lack of education.

[picture caption: ‘ABDU’L-BAHA ABBAS, leader of the Bahá’í movement for world-wide religious unity.]