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‘Abdu’l-Bahá at Green Acre

Abdul Baha at Green Acre
The Portsmouth Herald
August 14, 1912
Green Acre, Eliot

The great Persian teacher, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá (literally “Servant of God”) is to spend several days at Green Acre, Eliot, arriving on Friday afternoon, Aug. 16, about 4 o’clock, with his interpreters. The sight of these visitors from Persia and the Holy Land, in their flowing Eastern dress, will be a remarkable one among the Western Pines.

It will probably be remembered that this venerable teacher is the leader and center of the Bahá’í movement, which has spread so rapidly throughout the East and through many cities in Europe and America. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, following in the steps of the martyred Báb, and of Bahá’u’lláh, the Consolidator of the movement and Announcer of the “Most Great Peace,” preaches no new religion, but the fundamental unity of all religions, declaring that we stand at the threshold of the Day of Brotherhood realized. His adherents are taught, that it is a day of deeds, not of words. “By deeds do we know our friends.”

In Paris and in London last year, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s discourses, remarkable for their directness and simplicity, drew large audience in religious and scientific circles. The same has been true in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and Chicago. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá has for many years, from within the walls of his captivity in the Holy Land followed the work for Unity instituted by Miss S. J. Farmer at Green Acre, and he has long desired to visit the place. It is hoped that he will briefly address the friends at the close of the Eliot day exercises in the Eirenion, at 4.30 o’clock on Friday next, and that he will hold a discourse every morning and evening, during his three days’ stay. Friends desiring to speak with him are asked to communicate with the interpreters, Green Acre Inn, Eliot.

A large gathering is expected at the evening reception on Friday at eight o’clock, at which some notable figures will be present. All friends of Unity and Peace are welcome.