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Ready For Approaching Third Hague Conference

Ready For Approaching Third Hague Conference
The Marion Daily Star
May 11, 1912

Meetings Will Be Held at Lake Mohonk Next Week.


Prominent Men from Abroad and Many of the United States Will Speak on Various Subjects, Especially Those Relating to International Peace — The Program.

Lake Mohonk, N. Y., May 11. — The approaching third Hague conference, the proposed international court of arbitral justice, and arbitration treaties, general and particular will be considered at the eighteenth annual Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration, to meet by invitation of Albert K. Smiley at Mohonk Lake, New York, May 15 and 17.

Prominent among the speakers from abroad will be Dr. Christian I. Lange, secretary of the Interparliamentary union, and Dr. Albert Gobat, director of the International peace bureau at Berne, who will discuss the work of their respective organizations; Dr. Otfried Nippold, of Germany, professor of international law in Berne university, who will speak on “The Third Conference;” ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas, of Persia, leader of the Bahá’í movement, and J. P. Santamarina, of Buenos Aires, who will discuss “Pan-American International Arbitration.”

General Stewart L. Woodford, of New York, Justice William R. Riddel, of the Ontario high court of justice, William C. Dennis, of Washington, and others will speak on the arbitration treaties with Great Britain and France, while Hon. Peter W. Beldrin, of Savannah, will make an address on the “Proposed Court of Arbitral Justice.” Some of the latest developments in international law will be described by Professor George Grafton Wilson, of Harvard university, and Professor L. S. Rowe, of the University of Pennsylvania.

The presiding officer of the conference will be President Nicholas Murray Butler, of Columbia university, who has several times filled that office and made notable opening addresses. Other speakers will include Hon. Henry Watterson, of Louisville; Judge Selden P. Spencer, of St. Louis; Charles P. Neill, United States commissioner of labor and Hamilton Holt.