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Testimony of the manager of the hotel in which ‘Abdu’l-Bahá stayed in Sacramento

‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s address this morning concerned the influence of the Divine Manifestations, together with a brief history of the Cause and its teachings, which clearly had a powerful effect on the audience. After the talk the people came to Him in groups to express their sincere interest. Journalists wrote several complimentary articles about His exposition and the divine teachings.
The friends arranged a farewell luncheon in His honor in the hotel’s dining room. The table was exquisitely decorated. More than 50 friends were there, each grateful to be present. This glorious meeting of the friends from the East and the West in the presence of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, so full of love and harmony, astonished all who witnessed it and hastened the spread of the Word of God. The manager of the hotel came with the utmost respect and courtesy to see ‘Abdu’l-Bahá and was given a seat. Later he said, ‘What I have seen of the majesty of this holy being is that although no one knew him in this city, yet in the course of one day and one night he has created a stir in the city and a spiritual yearning in the hearts of its people.’
Thus did the power of the Covenant of God and the grandeur of the Cause shine resplendently in the eyes of the people.