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Prophecies of holy books were fulfilled through Bahá’u’lláh’s banishment to Holy Land

The train had left just as the Master reached the station. He decided to wait for the next train. A few minutes later, a man who had seen our Persian dress and kulahs came to us and said, ‘We received a telegram from the friends in Minneapolis and have been looking for ‘Abdu’l-Bahá.’ He immediately ran to give the news to the other friends and brought them to Him. They were extremely grateful that He had not left by the first train. The Master spoke to them about the major calamities that had befallen the Cause of God, saying:
Up to now, whatever has occurred has had the effect of spreading the Cause of God. When the Blessed Beauty left Tihran and when He departed from Baghdad for the Holy Land, it was so devastating that the friends shed tears of blood. Now it has become evident what mysteries were concealed in that event and what victories lay in store; even the prophecies of the holy books regarding the Holy Land and the promised Manifestation were fulfilled through that banishment.
A professor who had heard of some of the principles of the Bahá’í Cause was very happy and grateful to have visited the Master.