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Juliet: June 23 – What does it mean to “live near" ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

I showed Him the proofs of the pictures, then spoke of Mrs. Kasebier — who had seen Him only once, when she photographed Him. “She said she would like to live near You, my Lord.”
He laughed. “She doesn’t want to live near Me. She only wants a good time!” Then He grew serious. “To live near Me,” He said, “one must have My aims and objects. Do you remember the rich young man who wanted to live near Christ, and when he learned what it cost to live near Him — that it meant to give away all his possessions and take up a cross and follow Christ — then,” the Master laughed, “he fled away!”
“Among the disciples of the Báb,” He continued, “were two: His amanuensis and a firm believer. On the eve of the Báb’s martyrdom the firm believer prayed: ‘Oh let me die with You!’ The amanuensis said: ‘What shall I do?’
“‘What shall I do?’” mocked the Master. “‘What do you want me to do?’ The disciple died with the Báb, his head on the breast of the Báb, and their bodies were mingled in death. The other died in prison anyway, but think of the difference in their stations!”