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Stories about 'Abdu'l-Bahá
Destiny of New York City: To raise the call of Ya Bahá’u’l-Abha to the highest heaven

Mahmud's Diary
November 18, 1912
New York, NY
In the afternoon, while talking to a group of the friends, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá suddenly said:
‘We wish to build a House of Worship on that side of the water.’ Later He said: ‘This city shall become good when the call of “Ya Bahá’u’l-Abha” shall reach the highest heaven from it. If the believers arise as they should erelong the word of God will envelop all these regions.’ He also added, ‘As the United States of America is far and free from the arena of the prevailing political turmoil, this government and country can prevent war between the nations and bring about peace and harmony among them.’