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Agnes: April 22 - Receiving many guests

After lunch ‘Abdu’l-Bahá rested until four, when He had interviews for three quarters of an hour. At four forty five, He went into the large room, to meet and talk to the great number who had assembled to see Him. This talk was along the general lines of the former addresses but more fitted, I thought, to deeper thinkers. He said Religion is one Imitations of Religion, many.[see The Promulgation of Universal Peace] Mrs. Richardson sat next to me. She said, “Isn’t He a dear?” “Oh, is it over!” “I’m coming again tomorrow.”
The people lingered a long time after the talk. The Persians who were present went into the little room with ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, where tea was served. Certain people were taken into the little room to meet ‘Abdu’l-Bahá. I presented Mrs. Buckner Randolph and Miss Eliza Hay. Both, He greeted warmly: also Dr. Jerome Chase, Miss Maude Dandye, Miss Janet Richard, Mrs. Anna Josephine Ramsay. The two latter asked questions, receiving answers just according to their needs. I also presented Miss A. E. Marsland.
Mr. and Mrs. Lane, two children and maid came by appointment at 6 o’clock. They were shown into the library and kept waiting for some time owing to a mistake on Dr. Fareed’s part. ‘Abdu’l-Bahá finally went to them and they had a most interesting conversation on the subject of Economics — the great need of Capitalists to study and improve the conditions of laborers, otherwise there would be serious results: the harm of strikes or of gaining things by force that should be settled amicably.