Stories about 'Abdu'l-Bahá

‘Abdu’l-Bahá explains who “the people of Bahá” are

Mahmud's Diary
October 16, 1912
Pleasanton, CA

Mrs. Hearst begged ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to allow her to accompany Him to San Francisco. Her wish was granted and she traveled with the Master. Some of His words to her were these:

The Cause of God is sanctified from all political power and worldly affairs. Among the divine teachings are trustworthiness, detachment and sanctity. So if you should see a man coveting property and evincing greed toward the wealth of others, know that he is not of the people of Bahá. The people of Bahá are they who, should they happen to come upon a valley of gold and silver, would pass by it like lightning in utter disregard.

The Master encouraged her especially to protect and train her youngest grandchild. ‘This child’, He said, ‘has a well-proportioned forehead and an open, pleasant face and if given heavenly instruction will be the cause of the eternal happiness of this family.’