News clips

Believe ‘Abdu’l-Bahá May Be Second Dowie

Believe Abdul Baha May Be Second Dowie
Chicago Ill Examiner
May 2, 1912
Zion City

Zionists Ask Cult Leader to Visit Colony; See Possible Fulfillment of Prophecy.

Asserting their belief that the mantle of the late John Alexander Dowie may have descended upon ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the Persian religious teacher and leader of the great Bahá’í movement, followers of the Dowie Church in Zion City invited Bahá to visit their colony today. The master of Bahá’ísm was uncertain whether to accept, but Rupert Deveraux of Zion City was certain he would come.

Nineteen hundred and twelve is the year during which, according to Dr. Dowie’s prediction, a new prophet is to appear in Zion,” said Deveraux. “We believe that Bahá may be the teacher who is appointed to lead us out of our troubles.”

Abdu’l-Bahá accepted an invitation to address a meeting of suffrage workers this evening at the Hotel La Salle.

I believe in suffrage for women,” he said, “but no, it should not be striven for by window smashing, and by what are called militant methods.”