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“In 1900 Miss [Maria P.] Wilson, with Miss Farmer as her guest made her first visit to ‘Abdul-Bahá, then a prisoner in Akka—a few years later she made another pilgrimage. At that time ‘Abdu’l-Bahá said “When I come to America I will visit you.”
In August of 1912 while in America ‘Abdul-Bahá became very weary and requested that a believer who might have a “house on a hill,” allow Him the use of it, for a week or two. Many houses were immediately put at His disposal and among them, this little six-room house of Miss Wilson, which He chose, and which He, with His secretaries occupied.
There He spent ten days, going from Malden to Montreal leaving six or seven of His party in the Wilson House for several weeks, until He returned from California. Many souls were confirmed in that little house among them our dear brother Harry Randall.
After the Master left America Miss Willson, upon reflection, decided to write and ask Him, His wishes regarding the future of this house.
* * *
“Thy house became my abode and my home. Many days were spent in that home with the utmost joy and fragrance.
The mention of “Ya Bahá El Abha” was raised from it and we spread the religion of God. In reality that home is my home, therefore the mention of God must always he raised from it.” [Miss Wilson left the house to the Bahá’í Faith in her will.]
—Bahá’I News, March 1931, pages 3-4.