Stories about 'Abdu'l-Bahá

Friends in Chicago bid the Master a heartfelt farewell

Mahmud's Diary
November 4, 1912
Chicago, IL

The Master left for Cincinnati in the morning. At the request of the friends there who longed for a glimpse of His face, the Master sent a telegram informing them that He would stay with them one night in order to visit the believers. At the Chicago train station the friends of God, both men and women, wept as they saw their Master depart. It was a grand occasion and a testimony to the greatness of the Cause of God and the influence of His Covenant. Well-respected people of the West have been attracted to the Beloved of the East. They hovered like moths around the divine lamp and wept at their friend’s departure. Among those who accompanied ‘Abdu’l-Bahá to the next station was Mrs. True with whom the Master spoke about the Tarbiyat Schools in Tihran.