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Morgan Blessed by Persian Prophet

Morgan Blessed by Persian Prophet
Buffalo New York News
November 19, 1912
Buffalo, NY

By Associated Press.

NEW YORK, Nov. 19 - J.P. Morgan was written down yesterday as one who had done “considerable philanthropy” when his library in East 36th street was visited by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the Persian prophet. After the patriarch had wandered through the treasure rooms, he paused before the album long enough to write a blessing on the financier and there to append his autograph. Beneath the Persian script his companion, Dr. Ameen Fareed, wrote this translation:

O Thou generous Lord, verily this famous personage has done considerable philanthropy, render him great and dear in Thy kingdom, make him happy and joyous in both worlds, and confirm him in serving the Oneness, the world of humanity, and submerge him in the sea of Thy favors.


On his visit to the Morgan library, the prophet was escorted and introduced by the Persian consul-general, H.H. Topakyan.