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Christmas Greetings From ‘Abdu’l-Bahá

Christmas Greetings From Abdul Baha
(No Paper)
December 6, 1911

In the midst of darkness of wars and troublesome times, Bahá’u’lláh appeared like a mighty luminary from the horizons of Persia, and his light shone forth to dispel the prejudices which cause strifes, the prejudices of races, religions, and politics.

He proclaimed the message of love and unity surrounded by mighty dangers, even from the prison, and during his long exile never did he cease calling humanity to the realisation of this great unity. God be praised! Bahá’u’lláh’s teachings have spread broadcast, and his call for peace is finding echo in the lives of men. My hope is that many noble souls will arise to dispel the existing ignorance and sin, and that the material world will become like a pure mirror, which will reflect only the splendours of the Infinite.

We must always remember that we are all the creatures of the one God, that his sun shines both on the East and West, and that all nations must become as one nation. That all men are like leaves of one tree and waves of one sea. The sign of this great unity has appeared, for in London this Easterner has been received with great love and kindness, and be certain that this love and kindness will never be forgotten.

Paris, 1911.